a canterlot wedding apology fanfiction

Shining Armor looked back at the orange earth pony with anger, You stay out of this Applejack! Said Alkaios. Queen Chrysalis: But I didn't do it alone. Soon, Shining Armour and Cadance went over to their wedding carriage to start their honeymoon. However, as enraging as that picture was, she was not here to condemn those responsible. This actually isn't like her. The two princesses stayed close so that one could be there for the other in times of distress, but for now that was not to be as Luna was monitoring reconstruction efforts down in the city. My sister needs me.". Now it was clear to them just how much Twilight valued her friendship with them, as well as her relationship with her brother and with Celestia. "Well.basically what happened is that Twilight was concerned about Princess Cadance, who was due to be married to our son, Shining Armor, at the time.You see Princess, the Princess Cadance that Twilight was so concerned about was not the real one. Everything that happened.it's all stuck in my head and I can't get it out!". As for what you're going to tell her, I'm sure once the time comes, you will know what to say, and more importantly, how to say it. Now they were ready to stand before her and say they were sorry. said Shining. Coupled with it was the occasional flash of lightning and clap of thunder, giving the charcoal-black landscape an ominous appearance. But now, the teacher who had taught her student so much about magic and friendship simply walks out on her, as did her brother and friends when all she was trying to do was save them from a terrible fate? To complicate matters, nopony knew the truth at the time, so by a technicality Twilight was as much at fault as the girls were. Twilight looked around, but she didnt see anything to explain the sense of dread spreading over her. "Girls, tell me Twilight wasn't right. Spike: [deep voice] Do you? [Cadance saw that Shining Armor is under Chrysalis' spell too. That is what Shining told us when he came here, and it is the reason Velvet and I are so furious. She tried alerting her friends to the impostor's cold and condescending behaviour, compared to Cadance's warmth and benevolence. You should be ashamed of yourself!". [With that, the Mane Six walk back inside, with Twilight slowly looking at the moon while smiling as the episode ends]. No matter how hard she tried to ignore it, it throbbed away in her mind like the many bruises she sustained from her numerous crash-landings. May I come in?". Not only was this the most important moment of the Mane 5's lives, but it was quite possibly the most important moment in Equestrian history. Queen Chrysalis: Ah, ah, ah. .You! Uh, I was probably supposed to give you this one first. ", As Spike left to fetch Twilight, Cadance decided to ensure that the girls knew what they had to say, and more importantly how to say it. Blaze: You never said a truer word, Twilight. "Have you completed your missions Captain? She had a job to do, and that was to ensure the Nightmare Forces could not corrupt the souls of Night Light and Twilight Velvet, who had suffered enough just to know not only was their daughter betrayed and treated like a common criminal, but she could very well have died in an unmarked tomb which nopony even knew of. Fluttershy gave a grateful smile and nodded before slowly approaching her critter friends. That was the question burdening Applejack's mind, however. [Little did the Mane Six know, Shadow was watching them the whole time], Shadow: [whispers] You maybe right about Cadance being evil girls, but once you figure out the truth, you'll be in for a surprise. I had help. With that, Shroud left to get the blacksmiths to work. Rainbow Dash: Uh, Shadow, you've been awfully quiet, you're with us, right? Black Blade's loyalty to her has never failed to impress. However, teams of my pegasi will dive bomb the Guards and engage them from behind, allowing our troops to move in and finish them off. After everything we've done together, all the good times we shared and the challenges we encountered together as friends, they betrayed me and left me to die! First it was Twilight giving them a tongue-lashing, but now it was Spike. The heart floats by and lands on the stallion's face. Applejack barked angrily. Just make sure you knock before entering.". She knew they couldn't afford to say something that would upset Twilight. ", "But they shouldn't be here in the first place Cadance! Only Rarity, who looked the better pick of the bunch, greeted the pink alicorn. Amy Rose: Break it up you two, now's not the time for arguing! Rook Blonko drags Shining Armor offscreen, as he leaves a wet trail. At some point during her internal argument, she had developed a headache. Tails: Yeah, I mean, we should be fine, as long as there aren't any booby traps. Cadance smiled, but whatever it was that was compelling her to smile felt incomplete. And we need anything broken removed. Cried Rarity, who immediately galloped over to the aforementioned pegasus to make sure she was OK. "Are you alright?". The latter walked inside the study, where he found Celestia at her desk, filing through a mess of papers which lay before her. Twilight Sparkle: We have to get out of here. "Yes ma'am!" "I'm shaking like a leaf. I have also informed my parents of Twiley's situation.". [The couple trots onto the balcony and wave to the cheering crowd down below. to be continued(I need to rewatch it..again), [The episode starts with a nice beautiful day in a field in Equestria. Opposite them, the garrison of Royal Guards was also rushing towards them, with the mission to take down Chrysalis and exile her and her troops from Canterlot. pleaded Shining in protest. Anypony who attempts to resist or to rescue her is to be dealt with immediately. I don't deserve your forgiveness, heck, I don't deserve nothing from you. [Shining Armour tries to recreate his spell but finds himself unable to do so]. And the ceiling. "But what if this second echelon decides to rebel against us? But what she saw instead was a small settlement, complete with an equally small garrison of Royal Guards. They would act as a second echelon, coming in from behind to support the main force. [laughs], Sonic: [whispers] What? Suddenly, the hall's doors opened to reveal Cadance, who had come bearing news for Celestia. Twilight Sparkle: Applejack, you will be in charge of the catering for the reception. And all this came from me feeling alone and abandoned, just like Twilight was.". Twilight Sparkle: Right, come on everyone, we've got a city to save! The Guard Captain immediately tried to calm down Celestia as best as he could. "No Luna. With a reciprocating nod and salute (respectively), the two ponies proceeded through the halls of the castle up to Celestia's private bedchambers, two rows of guards watching over the hall leading to both Celestia and Luna's rooms. Sonic: Yeah, you've been like this since we got on. Shining Armor's love for you is even stronger than I thought! For Twilight and Spike, it had felt like hours since they had left Canterlot for Ponyville, but in reality, it had only been a little over an hour and a half. Twilight Sparkle: I would very much appreciate it if you could perform a sonic rainboom as the bride and groom complete their "I do"'s. We're fine. Definitely not. [A evil laugh echoes through the caves. Knuckles: You sure about that? But we did, so in all honesty, we can chalk that up to being a big fat lie. Not that Cadance noticed any of that. Its not like its their fault Chrysalis fooled them. Twilight Sparkle: Love you too, B.B.B.F.F. I'm just wondering why the girls are trying to make it up to me. "I will not leave anypony to fall victim to the same force that once held me, certainly not this night, nor any other. Dr. Eggman: Yeah, unfortunately, I'm afraid our little partnership ends here! Oh, and by the way Twilight. Just please try to bring her around. Rarity moved to comfort her. Nothing could get past the stony hardness of her gaze, but the worst of all? We see Kevin Levin, carrying the pickle jar. Sonic: We were all fooled expect for Shadow, including Twilight and the others themselves. "Shining, take four of your men and bring Luna to me. "Whats wrong, honey?" ", "Okay Twilight." Chuckled Chrysalis, entertained by Spark's determination. "Changelings! The last one standing is Twinkleshine; Mordecai's Crew, Black Panther and Shuri/Black Panther close in and nail her with a all-star combination. The look on her face was neither smiling nor frowning, but one of concern. It was supposed to be the happiest day of his life since the day he had met Cadance. Cadance, bewildered by Twilight's accusations. [laughing] Over here! Rarity nodded in agreement. "No, thank you. And neither should you! Applejack: No, she was just being fake and totally insincere! "Of course they do Twilight, that's why they're here. Shadow: Uh- Actually that would be a valid point, but still-. ", "Princess Luna, we need you to come with us. "Is that so?" [filled with rage, Sonic suddenly transforms into his Dark Form as the Chaos Emeralds suddenly turned black]. Twilight Sparkle: Your spell! It was frustrating her to no end. The bubbles began to increase in brightness as the energy of the spell increased, the forms of both Velvet and Night becoming obscured by the brightening light. Two wrongs never make a right and when I say that, I meant it doesnt matter how out of order Twilight was when she confronted the queen. Applejack had heard enough at this point. "I did not let her down Luna. And yet, nopony reached for her. SubStar She asked me if I knew a spell she had recently learned. Luna nodded firmly. "Princess, is there anything we can do?". A redo of MLP: Sleeping Twilight Sparkle. Dr. Eggman: Of course it will, granted, it wasn't exactly my plan, but hey, I'm contributing to it at least. Cadence had never been so disgusted that her fianc would shut his sister out like that, and cast her out of the wedding that Twilight herself influenced. First things first. With authority, the baby dragon approached the Princess of Love to state his business. Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie and Rainbow watch this with warm smiles on their faces til Celestia turns to Rainbow Dash]. Princess Cadance: She's a changeling Auntie. "Mom, Dad" Spike, on the other hand, wasn't as troubled by the recent events of his life, but he certainly did still regret abandoning Twilight, and from the point where he was forgiven, he swore to himself that he would never leave her again. ah' was crying last night because of something terrible that ah' did. Celestia remarked, raising an eyebrow in suspicion. [Back at the pavilion, Celestia and Luna awoke to find themselves hanging upside down in cocoons while Chrysalis is pacing around, waiting for her changelings to return], Princess Cadance: You won't get away with this! [laughing] Though I must admit, [looks at Team Sonic] I am curious, though. She creates the sonic rainboom that shines all over Canterlot], Rainbow Dash: Best wedding ever! Nopony seemed to be paying any attention to her anyway. Pinkie chimed, albeit half-heartedly. "Everypony calm down!" For once, she could take a moment to truly feel the atmosphere in the room, the strongest layer being Twilight's anguish and rage during her outburst, which brought forth the revelation that she could have . Things were building to a climax as Celestia's eyes and teeth clenched tighter and tighter with every passing second. We pan over to Black Panther), (Fastforward to Twilight's friends, Shining Armor and Princess Celestia), [Twilight nods to Pinkie who smiles and zooms to boomboxes and a record player and pull DJ Pon-3, a white mare with a blue mane and glasses on her from behind to play], (Photos were taken of Pinkie eating a cake, Applejack playing the fiddle, Spike and Sweetie Belle dancing, Rainbow Dash with Soarin, one of the Wonderbolts and Rarity with Fancypants. She could feel her eyebrows and face contort into a mask of pure disappointment, even anger at her sister for doing such a thing, and she had no intention of relinquishing the emotions that were taking over at present. Twilight and her five friends here were suspicious of my behavior all along. Chrysalis made no response, physically or otherwise. With that, Shining led Luna down to the throne room. ), (Princess Celestia shows them a picture of Black Panther, Princess Celestia and Doctor Strange), (Mordecai's Crew throws a Orion-Kalashnikov Advanced Combat Rifles, M12 Shotgun, SIG SG 540, Mark VII Desert Eagle, Franchi SPAS-12 Shotgun, Mark XIX Desert Eagle and Guardian Angel Keyblade to Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Spike [Dragpn]), (Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Spike [Dinosaur] hands Princess Cadance and Shining Armor a M12 Shotgun, SIG SG 540, Mark VII Desert Eagle, Franchi SPAS-12 Shotgun, Mark XIX Desert Eagle and Guardian Angel Keyblade), (Mordecai's Crew throws a Solarsaber, Harmony Sword and Keyblade of Harmony, Magicsaber, Honestysaber, Laughtersaber, Loyaltysaber, Generositysaber and Kindsaber to Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy), (Eunice and Mordecai throws a Crystal Heartsaber and Shieldsaber to Princess Cadance and Shining Armor), (Black Panther, Shuri/Black Panther, Mordecai's Crew are leaving Ponyville Hospital), (Mysterious Cloaked Villains raises their gauntlets and snaps their fingers), (Mysterious Cloaked Villains notices the damages inflicted on the scorched Gauntlets), (Princess Cadance suddenly stumbles over, and collapses into ashes, much to Shining Armor's shock; Rainbow Dash watches Shining Armor mourning Princess Cadance's death. I, ah, ooh, oooh! Growling with intense menace, Chrysalis looked around her in order to find something to tear apart. Twilight was ravin' about Cadence being an impostor and repeatedly called her evil, which made her cry.

My Son Keeps Taking My Underwear, Articles A

a canterlot wedding apology fanfiction