early settlers of frederick county, virginia

The 1700s were a time of great change and development. Its articles, sources and interpretations, and reviews of books range from British North America and the United States to Europe, West Africa, the Caribbean, and the Spanish American borderlands. Martin leased the land to John Hartley in 1769. Two early surveys are of special interest to Frederick residents those of Benjamin Tasker and Daniel Dulany, both in 1745. #1 George Parker's house was located on the east side of Patterson's creek, near a small and unnamed stream. Open to all. The Shenandoah Valley region of western Virginia, from Winchester to Roanoke, Virginia, is bordered by the Blue Ridge mountains to the East and the Allegheny mountains to the West. Lord Baltimore was made proprietor of the land, and wanted to earn money for himself. Jacob Reasoner bought the farm in 1790. As there is no hard line of demarcation of the Shenandoah Valley, borderline cases are considered on a case by case basis. $19.99 It was created in Orange County in 1738; part of Augusta County was added later. He came from Waddington, Scotland. Green of the one part and Cornelius Obryan, John Obryan and Cornelius Obryan Junr. He was a patriot in the Revolutionary War - being a Captain in the Shenandoah County Militia. In Cartmell's chapter on "The Old Justice's Court", he describes a case starting on page 109 that he got completely wrong. for 30 days, $14.99 An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. From this Town may be seen, six Counties and there are but few such Prospects in America Hampshire, Dunmore, Culpepper, Farquier, Loudon, Frederick!The Mountains, on a smoky, or dusky Day, appear vastly beautifulLike a fine well-designed, & finished, Piece of Paining! This page was last modified 06:04, 26 August 2020. Engage ideas. Please purchase a subscription to continue reading. The Allegheny serviceberry, found native in Virginia, was chosen for its four-season interest, according to Roulston. With a digital-only membership subscription, you get individual access to all of our online content, 24/7, on any device. Delivered Nicholas Mose, December, 1768. We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! Frederick County had borders, but Augusta County was huge prior to the Revolutionary War, as it was bordered to the East by the Blue Ridge Mountains, to the West by the Mississippi River, and to the North by the Great Lakes. Lot #1 adjoined the Patterson Creek Manor. Apparently, Lord Fairfax was in favor of permanently moving the county government to Stephensburg. Michael Hover and Barbara to, Page 289.--3d March, 1756. **AUGUSTA CO, VA, prior to 1776 stretched westward to the Mississippi River and up to the Great Lakes. Data The mineral rhyolite, among others, was formed and it was an age of volcanoes. Thomas Kemp Cartmell. This Native American artifact was found in Frederick County at one of the digs which have been successful in finding many stone, pottery and other specimens left behind by the tribes who lived here or traveled through in search of food or spots on which they lived or camped. Possibly one of the earliest settlements, just south of this valley, was in now Rockingham County. (Source: Iman Family.net. . Shenandoah Valley pioneers and their descendants. On 23 May 1775 a young Princeton educated Presbyterian minister named Philip Vickers Fithian (1747-1776) came to Stephensburg to stay while he preached to nearby congregations. Morton's "Ilhs-tory of Union County, West Virginia," states that in 1782-my ancestor, Robert Scarborough, was settled in Green-briar County, Va., now Monroe County, W. Va., and that It included WV, KY, OH, part of PA, etc. The fall foliage of the Allegheny serviceberry, when the leaves turn an orange-red color, is outstanding as well. Subscriptions renew automatically every 30 days. They left because of illness and a promise of better living conditions in Pennsylvania. The story of Winchester in Virginia, the oldest town in the Shenandoah Valley. For members. In 1763-1768 a line was surveyed from the Ohio border to Delaware todays Mason-Dixon Line, the states border. They were marched to New York under the command of Captain Abraham Shepherd (ca. In Europe there was war and the Protestants breaking away from the Roman church and the pope. Mountains we know today formed Sugarloaf, Parrs Ridge, the Catoctin Range. Explore the 2nd Oldest Town in the Shenandoah Valley. Through research and public programming, we want to share with everyone of all ages how important trees are to the environment.. Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. Search the history of over 806 billion George ( ) Gindner and Susanna ( ) to, Page 403.--On a branch of Linvel's Creek called McKoy's Draft, containing 190 acres granted by patent to, Page 177.--2d December, 1766. Plus you get access to the ePages, a digital replica of the printed paper, and all of our email newsletters. Email recruitment@newspost.com. This would be a great site for archaeological research. It is unclear how long Lewis Stephens operated this ordinary in the new community associated with the Stephens family land claims. Frederick County was created from Orange County by an Act of the Virginia Burgesses in November, 1738. Lord Fairfaxs maternal grandfather, Thomas, 2nd Lord Culpeper, had secured a patent from King James II in 1688 ensuring that all of the lands between the headwaters of the Rappahannock and Potomac rivers belonged to him and his heirs. Borden & James Wood, for 100 acres on West side of Opequon run, South side of Cohongoroota River, now in the Counties of Berkley and Jefferson. For members. Most subscribers are served by News-Post carriers; households in some outlying areas receive same-day delivery through the US Postal Service. On 8 June 1775 he also described a common scene in Stephensburg that gives us an insight into the important role that transportation has always played in the life of the town. Several years later the English did capture the fort. Keller died or was killed by Indians and Fairfax issued a grant to Charles' son John Keller on June 1, 1779. Frederick County Courthouse 5 North Kent Street Winchester, VA 22601-5037 Phone: 540-722-7208 Frederick County Website Clerk Circuit Court has birth records 1853-1912, marriage records from 1782, death records 1853-1896, divorce records from 1870 probate and land records from 1743 [4] Frederick County, Virginia Record Dates [ edit | edit source] It is part of the boundary between Frederick andClarkecounties in Virginia and between Berkeley andJeffersoncounties in West Virginia. for 2 days. Linville Creek was one of the most interesting and important centers of Colonial Virgina. You have permission to edit this article. The first European settlers started arriving about 1730. South side of Cohongoroota River, 882 acres on the west side of the Sherando River, b. Europe then Chester County, Pennsylvania, 120 acres on the North fork of the Sherando River, adjoining Thomas Chester, Evesham Township, Burlington County, New Jersey, near Harper's Ferry, South side of Cohongoroota River, now in the Counties of Berkley and Jefferson, 568 acres, part of Hite's grant and also 100 acres adjoining, 860 acres on the west side of Buffalo Meadow known for years as Buffalo Marsh, just west of Winchester in the Shenandoah near the area known as Round Hill-Opequon Creek, 395 acres adjoining the Borden, Griffith and Hampton, etc. One can maneuver the map reveal to view the full Valley and its surround. al., which was not resolved until "The Company" brought suit against Fairfax in 1750, which was apparently resolved in favor of Hite, Green, McKay, Duff and their descendants. It was a good time to sell real estate and start a new life in a new country. The third segment of Patterson's Creek was the upper section to the head spring in Grant County. The State Arboretum of Virginia Names the 2023 Tree of the Year: Allegheny Serviceberry. Roberta Tuller 2020 When Judge Douglas died, Parker was elected judge to the 13th circuit court district that included Clarke and Jefferson, Shenandoah valley pioneers and their descendants : a history of Frederick County, Virginia (illustrated) from its formation in 1738 to 1908, [Winchester, Va.] : [Printed by the Eddy Press Corp.], Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Shenandoah River Valley (Va. and W. Va.) -- Genealogy, http://books.google.com/books?id=sdFczYzblKQC&oe=UTF-8, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). Robinson's original log cabin survived until 1979, when it was dismantled and sold. Page 108.--31st December, 1760. Troops were sent from Annapolis to capture the fort, with General Edward Braddock in charge. Samuel 1631 In 1745 Lewis Stephens purchased 195 acres on Cedar Creek, about seven miles to the west of his fathers home, where he built a house for himself and a water powered mill. and Woodland (1000 B.C.-1600 A.D.). However, renting the land was not successful. Stay on topic. #21 Joseph Robinson received a Fairfax grant on June 11, 1749 for 332 acres. Also, you can share digital access with up to four other household members at no additional cost. Receive breaking news and news alerts to you as they happen. We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. PO Box 143 (USPS Mail) Samuel Kercheval, the author and historian, was an early resident of the community. Request Permissions, Published By: Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture. In 1607, Captain John Smith from the Virginia colony sailed up the Chesapeake Bay and was the first visitor to todays Maryland. Fairfax issued a grant on June 7, 1749 to Hamblin (possibly Hamilton?). Error! Radio carbon tests date the site to about 1335-1400. Some lived in the area and their settlements have been located. The Arboretums 2023 Tree of the Year was selected after deliberation by Curator Tai Roulston and Blandy arborists. In 1787, the town of Frankfort was built on lot #16 (now known as Fort Ashby, WV). The first lots were acquired by the following early settlers: Recorded in Orange County Virginia Deed Book 9 pp.151-153 (lease 28th June 1744 and release 29th June 1744) Robt. Page 238.--10th February, 1746-7. Jonas 1690 This is an exhaustive regional history of the parent county of nine present-day Virginia or West Virginia counties. But only the settlements between the two mountain ranges, Blue Ridge and Alleghany Mountains, is considered within the Shenandoah Valley. Recipes for juneberry pies and jams are easy to find. The State Arboretum of Virginia Names the 2023 Tree of the Year: Allegheny Serviceberry. appointed constable in Frederick County in 1744. married Elizabeth Loftin and Rachel Taylor, bought land in Frederick County, Virginia, received patents with his brother, Isaac, for 40,000 acres in what is now Berkeley, Jefferson, Morgan, Hampshire and Hardy Counties West Virginia and Frederick County, Virginia-John settled on the Opequon in the vacinity of Vanclevesville, 250 acres on both sides of small meadow near Opequon Presbyterian meeting house, 100 acres on west side of Sherrando River, 172 acres on the west side of Opequon Creek, Frederick County near Winchester, Opequon Creek. Archeology digs have been done which supply artifacts that tell us how these people lived. Same (Alex. Sites where Native Americans lived are found all over Frederick County. Settlements established in present-day Virginia by 1799: *ORANGE CO, VA can be deceptive. Stephens and his family, along with other German immigrants, came to the Valley of Virginia after spending some years in the Skippack Creek area outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The William and Mary Quarterly Bayliss Ashby b. Thank you for reading! Local archeologist the late Spencer Geasey and his wife Nancy Geasey show a display of locally found Native American spearpoints and arrowheads which they found in Shelter Rock shelter. was living on this 238-acre lot when the survey was made. He built the first house in Frederick on East Patrick Street at Middle Alley. The Monocacy River formed and vegetation began to grow. on March 31, 2008. The Tuscarora tribe was in North Carolina. For almost 100 years the population grew on the Eastern Shore and near the Chesapeake Bay on the west. This powder magazine, which still stands today, was later used by Isaac Zane when he produced artillery munitions for the Revolutionary War, and eventually as an icehouse. 1 Dec 1770 Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia: Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties Bayliss Ashby 1770 - Individual Ancestors Descendants Relationship Timeline Family Suggest Personal Information | All | PDF Research Links Find Bayliss Ashby at the following sites - #2 John Adam Long was living on this 293-acre farm when Genn made the survey. McKay, Jost Hite, William Duff and Robt. Alex. Spotsylvania County was formed in 1720 Orange in 1734 Frederick was established by law in 1738 but was not organized until 1743 Berkeley County was founded in 1772 Jefferson in 1801 The major road between Winchester and Patterson's Creek came directly to Parker's farm. This Opequon Settlement was not a town but a group of homesteads on land claims held by these early pioneers. Stephens City, VA 22655-0143, Phone: (540) 869-1700 On your next view you will be asked to log in or create an account to continue reading. #18 A widow, Catherine Bennett, lived on this lot when the survey was made in 1748. In 1699 the Piscataway Indians moved to Heaters Island in the Potomac River near Point of Rocks. Frederick County, Virginia: Settlement and Some First Families of Back Creek Valley, 1730-1830 Wilmer L. Kerns Gateway Press, 1995 - Back Creek Valley (Frederick County, Va.) - 647 pages 0. Jerry Sears, current owner, built a house on the original site. The qualifying FIRST SETTLER ancestor needed for FSSV membership is a person who resided in an area that is located in present-day Shenandoah Valley before 31 December 1799. It is not now our purpose to continue here this discussion, but to speak by the records of those that were among the earliest, if not the first settlers. late of Orange County, deceased, to, Page 887.--20th May, 1765. Or join for unlimited access. 1753-1822) of Shepherdstown. Martin was a nephew of Lord Fairfax. #11 Joseph Hamblin first settled on this lot of 289 acres. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kykendall (descendants of Johnson) live in a house that is in the same location as Johnson's original cabin. #16 Charles Keller first lived on this 300-acre lot. There were incidents of Native Americans capturing settlers and keeping them for as long as 10 years, and fights ensued between settlers and the locals. This was a choice lot because it bordere the Potomac River, but was known for having absentee landlords. The counties of today are listed below showing the parent counties. One of the other important local property owners who sold land to Lewis Stephens was Thomas, 6th Lord Fairfax, Baron of Cameron (1693-1781). Greenfield owned so much land that his executor could not identify and locate all of his properties. Abt 1780 Frederick County, Virginia: Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties. #20 No house was on this lot when the survey was made. MAP REFERENCE: http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hs=ysH&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=Orange+Co+VA&fb=1&gl=us&hq=Orange+Co&hnear=VA&ei=YjjrSs_9LMnYlAf0p-X_BA&sa=X&oi=local_group&ct=image&resnum=4&ved=0CC0QtgMwAw, Website design by Auriga Productions Hite and Rebecca, of Hampshire, to. Also commonly known as juneberries, the edible berries attract pollinators and are a food source for native bees and more than 40 species of birds. We're Indians we never were enslaved at all and yes we are what the Government dub us as Black but we are not African Americans we are Native Americans indigenous to these lands. Thus, Lord Fairfax claimed all of the lands in the Northern Shenandoah Valley, including the lands already granted to Jost Hite, Peter Stephens and others by the governor of Virginia. This is an exhaustive regional history of the parent county of nine present-day Virginia or West Virginia counties. The tribe decided to move north and settled near the Potomac and Monocacy rivers in 1713. An artists rendition of John Thomas Schleys first house built in the new city of Frederick in 1746 resembles in part the still standing house of Schley in Moerzheim, Germany. Greenfield was a County Lt. in the Frederick County militia, with residence in Winchester. Zachariah, Wallingford, 354 acres. We do know Lewis was married around 1740 to Mary Rittenhouse and shortly thereafter began purchasing land from Jost Hite and others. Pictured here is an example of Shepard ceramics, decorated with cord marks. This forum is for the exchange of The first Asians came to America via the Bering Strait about 14,000 B.C. The house was located on the west side of Patterson's Creek because a mountain was on the east side. #18-31 Not claimed or applied for at the time of the survey; these were the less desirable lots in the rolling country west of the flood plain. A major river of the southeastern United States, it drains a largely rural area of the coastal plain from the eastern edge of the Appalachian Mountains southeast across the Piedmont to Albemarle Sound. In the overall Patterson's Creek Valley, there are 276 square miles of land. Finally, in meticulously compiled appendices it provides a chronological list of surveys between 1721 and 1743; an alphabetical list of surveys, giving dates, page reference--text and maps--and patent references; a list of taxables for 1733-34; and a list of the early German settlers of Frederick County, showing their religion, their location . Approximately forty percent came from Germany, including the Grundlers. He tells the following story in his book History of the Valley of Virginia published first in 1833: Tradition relates that Fairfax was much more partial to Stephensburg than he was to Winchester, and used all his influence to make Stephensburg the seat of justice, but [James] Wood [Winchesters proprietor] out-generaled his lordship, and by treating one of the justices with a bowl of toddy [or spiked punch] secured his vote in favor of Winchester, which settled the question, and that Fairfax was so offended at the magistrate who thus sold his vote, that he never after spoke to him.

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early settlers of frederick county, virginia