which of the following is not true of sunspots

C Why is it important to understand the Sun in order to understand the Earth's radiation belts and space weather? E) about 150 million kilometers (the size of an astronomical unit). sunspots can be up to 12 times larger than earth. The training program for muscular endurance should not resemble the activity. According to modern science, approximately how old is the Sun? They can produce flares and coronal mass ejections. 10. decreases as mass increases and decreases beyond this limit. B) The Sun's mass is about 30 times the mass of Earth. C. potassiumhas a lower ionizationenergy than sodium D. Which of the following is NOT a correct statement about sunspots? If the Sun's core suddenly shrank a little bit, what would happen in the Sun? Curious about the Sun, Galileo used his telescope to learn more. E. Earth's axial tilt, the timing of Earth's perihelion and aphelion (D). D) Sunspots are surface disturbances caused by magnetic storms. Describe some of the early theories for why the Sun shines and why they are no longer accepted as viable. Q. B) wave motions in the solar interior A) helium, gamma rays, and neutrinos. Select only one. Three criteria used for classification of the atmosphere are Which of the following sequences of stellar spectral classifications. Briefly describe what you will see as you descend. True or false: The amount of solar activity (like sunspots) varies between maximum and minimum. A) chromosphere. Which of the following is not one of the reasons for Earth's seasonality? Air pressure at sea level is approximately 1013.2 mb. Another way that we can learn about the Sun is by capturing the particles in the solar wind that come from the Sun. No, sunspots do not make the Earth hotter. Therefore, we believe that our models are accurate if they can reproduce the characteristics of the Sun that we can observe. A pulsating white dwarf star, fluctuating rapidly in brightness. D) Gravitational contraction involves the generation of heat by chemical reactions, much like the burning of coal. B C It occurs in large amounts in the atmosphere relative to other gases, such as nitrogen and oxygen. Because they are cooler, they emit less thermal radiation per unit area and therefore look dark in contrast to brighter surrounding regions. C C) 4 H becomes 1 He + energy. It is held up by gas pressure due to the very high temperature, b. During periods of low solar activity just after solar minimum, what is true of the location and distribution of sunspots? A) The chromosphere is best observed with infrared telescopes and the corona is best observed with ultraviolet telescopes. a #2 pencil only. from What was the major drawback of this idea? 2. For the last few years we've been at what we call solar minimum. The diameter of a typical neutron star of 1 solar mass is predicted, 7. Solar radiation that is intercept by Earth is called. to force it to move in an orbit. E) all of the above. The light radiated from the Sun's surface reaches Earth in about 8 minutes. Sunspots typically have a dark center still with a lighter edge, known as the umbra, and they may also have a brighter region called a penumbra that surrounds the umbra. If they were hotter then they would be brighter since, by the blackbody law, Luminosity is proportional to Temperature 4. A) the electromagnetic force Describe a Laura y a Elin usando los verbos recprocos. E. What proportion of climate scientists has concluded that humans are the primary driver of today's climate warming? E. The equator always receives equal hours of day and night. They are cooler than the surrounding photosphere of the Sun. Write the Tollens' reagent chemical formula. B) 5,800 K. All of this additional energy can cause an increase in solar activity, including more frequent and powerful solar storms. two zones that absorb radiation from the Sun. C A geographic information system is a produced Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. What happens to energy in the convection zone of the Sun? are white dwarfs intrinsically so faint? D) The Sun has exhausted its supply of neutrinos. rmine the net force on the dam. 1. The Sun will exhaust its nuclear fuel in about Which of the following is not true of carbon dioxide? Therefore, in conclusion, sunspots do not make the Earth hotter. 12. (A) The polarity of sunspots reverses typically every 22 years and the sunspot number also goes through a maximum-minimum cycle of 22 years. B c. Sunspots are cooler than the surrounding gas in the photosphere because. It is based on the surviving letters of Galileo Galilei's daughter, the nun Suor Maria Celeste, and explores the relationship between Galileo and his daughter.It was nominated for the 2000 Pulitzer Prize for Biography or Autobiography. Which of the following characterizes Earth's revolution? Circle the correct indirect object pronoun to complete the sentence. B) At solar minimum, the first sunspots form at mid-latitudes on the Sun. Earth represents an open system in terms of energy. C) about a thousand trillion 38) Which of the following statements about the sunspot cycle is not true? B) The visible light comes from energy level transitions as electrons in the Sun's hydrogen atoms jump between level 1 and level 2. The CFC molecules react with ultraviolet light to release chlorine which then destroys ozone. E) attract one another. Sunspots are typically more common in higher latitudes of the Sun and will appear as dark, round patches. The Sun's surface, as we see it with our eyes, is called the d. Sunspots are actively rotating regions that contain strong magnetic fields and are usually found in pairs. how (or if) their lifetimes depend on mass. C) Energy slowly leaks outward through the radiative diffusion of photons that repeatedly bounce off ions and electrons. 9. Solely natural gases, particles, and other substances in amounts that cause damage to the environment or are harmful to humans. A) the bubbling pattern on the photosphere produced by the underlying convection A) send probes to measure the temperature. Which of the following is true regarding the depletion of ozone in the ozonosphere? absolute magnitude (or intrinsic brightness) against temperature, 10. Therefore, scientists predict that neutrinos should come from the Sun if fusion is occurring in its core. C) 600 tons b. Earth and the Sun formed specifically from, The photochemical reactions responsible for photochemical smog produce. A) ejected into space in a solar wind. E) molecular hydrogen. E) The Sun is generating energy other than by nuclear fusion. Along the way, changes in the Sun's magnetism produce a greater number of sunspots, more energy and cause solar eruptions of particles. E) The rate of fusion is not rising; it is actually decreasing over time. C) Fusion reactions in the Sun have ceased. the Sun and energy output per unit area of a star depends on the, 4th They collapse and become black holes. D a. B B) nuclear fusion Inside the Sun, this process begins with protons (which is simply a lone hydrogen nucleus) and through a series of steps, these protons fuse together and are turned into helium.So all A,B,C are produced in nuclear fusion in the sun. While some sunspots do form with a partner, it is not always the case. C) Sunspots can be up to 12 times larger than Earth. (C). Most. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. Galileo turned his gaze toward Venus, the brightest celestial object in the sky - other than the Sun and the Moon. A. What two physical processes balance each other to create the condition known as gravitational equilibrium in stars? sunspot equilibria). D) It predicted that Earth would also shrink in size with time, which would make it impossible to have stable geology on our planet. The CFC molecules react with ultraviolet light to release carbon which then destroys ozone. 2. diagram to shift slowly, 20. The neutrinos are about twice as energetic on average than is. 1.A. How long will the Sun have spent as a main sequence star when it. B These heated the interior enough to allow gravitational contraction and nuclear fusion to occur. The Sun appears to have a cycle of about 11 years during which it waxes and wanes. C) another name for the force that holds protons together in atomic nuclei. (b) Why does the thickness of the dam increase with depth. *c. 3,200 km (1,988 mi) above the Earth's surface. The "star" appears to move in a straight line against a, a. the nebula caused by the supernova explosion of a massive star. The sunspot cycle is very steady, so that each 11-year cycle is nearly identical to every other 11-year cycle. Nuclear power plants on Earth create energy in the same way as the Sun. 3. B The helium atom has, a. C. The subsolar point is at the Tropic of Cancer (23.5 N). A) Nuclei normally repel because they are all positively charged and can be made to stick only when brought close enough for the strong force to take hold. When sunspots occur, dark spots form on the surface of the sun. This will cause its position in the, Hertzsprung-Russell The surface of the Sun is a very busy place. Which of the following is not true of sunspots? D) nuclear fusion. How is the sunspot cycle directly relevant to us here on Earth? method of collecting geologic data. Determine the distance traveled a Every second, the Sun converts about 600 million tons of hydrogen into 596 million tons of helium. Very hot material orbiting a black hole. It was imaged by the SOHO Observatory. the monitoring of a distant object without physical contact. What was the major drawback to this idea? Anne Danahy on the answer sheet. If one fourth of the original muons reach Earth before decaying, about how big is the height h? Magnetism is the force that magnets exert when they attract or repel one another. E) Radio waves can pass directly through the gas which allows us to see the core. Why do you turn down this excellent offer? The dam has a height H = 12 m and a width W = 10 m. Assume that the density of the water is = 1000 kg/m . A) helioseismological fluctuations. A) The sunspot cycle strongly influences Earth's weather. they can produce flares and prominencesc. A) it is too dangerous to send the Space Shuttle to service satellites during solar maximum. A rapidly rotating neutron star, producing beams of radio energy. C) Nuclei have to be very hot in order to fuse, and the only way to get them hot is to bring them close together. They are likely carved out by turbidity currents, which occur when sediment-laden water rapidly moves down slope. D) the winding of magnetic field lines due to differential rotation *c. They occur in regions of lower-than-average magnetic fields. What is the Sun made of (by mass)? c. Which of the following is not true regards to Earth as system? They appear dark because they are cooler than other parts of the Sun's surface. E) both C and D, Studies of solar vibrations have revealed that stratus cirrus altocumulus cumulus nimbostratus 27) Which of the following is false regarding air masses? Sunspots have a temperature that is about 1,500C cooler than the temperature of the rest of the suns surface. You can do this by:. B Briefly explain how the Sun became hot enough for nuclear fusion.

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which of the following is not true of sunspots